Friday, September 12, 2008

Small Task #1 - The Power of One

...we will remember that there is something happening in America; that we are not as divided as our politics suggests; that we are one people; we are one nation; and together, we will begin the next great chapter in America’s story with three words that will ring from coast to coast; from sea to shining sea – Yes. We. Can. - Barack Obama

Today is the first day of our new form of action. I thought we could start of with something easy.

We all know someone who isn’t quite sure who is going to get their vote. Who is one of the “undecided”. All I ask that you do today is make one phone call or send one email to that person. Reach out in some way to them, whatever is easiest for you. Don’t ask for a commitment, don’t ask for a debate, just reach out and tell them ONE reason why you are voting for Barack Obama.

And then come back here and let us all know how it went. And most importantly post that reason so we can all reaffirm why we are here.

Remember, this election is going to be close. Your ONE vote matters so very much and imagine if you can get our cause just ONE more vote. It could make all the difference!

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Changes can come from the power of many, but only when the many come together to form that which is invincible...the power of one. – Bryce Courtenay


Katie said...

I sent an email to my mom:

I don't know if you saw the Barack blog today, but the mission was to reach out to one undecided voter to give them one reason to vote Obama. Well, you're my one voter!!!

So here's one of my reasons:

Diplomacy. I think it's pretty clear that the Bush Doctrine was a mistake. I know we always have to keep war as an option, but I don't ever think it should be the first option. What are we accomplishing by not talking to other countries? Even if we disagree, we should be able to talk to them. With the crisis in Georgia and other flashpoints across the world, we HAVE to use diplomacy again. We have to sit down and start talking. Some of the greatest leaders in the world knew that diplomacy was a better option than war.

Love you!!!

Anonymous said...


Let me tell you why I'm voting for Obama and maybe it will give you a little more insight into why people support him.

I am one of those community organizers Rudy Guilliani, Mitt Romney, and Sarah Palin mocked so willingly at the Republican National Convention. I strongly believe in service and volunteerism to make a change. I worked non-profit for many years, started various community groups, and still volunteer today. These people on the other side looking down at the very people who prop them up and allowed them to attain the goals so many are reaching for are NOT the people who represent me and my family. I do not see myself in Sarah Palin, I do not condone using 9/11 over and over again for political gain from the former mayor of NYC, and truthfully, I don't even understand how they can fix their mouths to mock the very thing that makes this country so unique.

Americans are helpers by nature. Isn't that why we've run into so many other countries to give aid when no one else would? We made ourselves out to be that country that can solve so many of the world's other issues but it's ok to mock those who put in work right her on domestic soil? That's not me and it's not what I believe in, so today my one reason for voting for Barack Obama is that aside from being an inspirational orator and communicator, he's lived service, he's dedicated his life to organizing, he IS the community...and I do see myself in him and his family. And that's enough reason for ME.

If you're not decided that's fine, I just hope you're informed and in the end you do indeed vote.


MBT4679 said...

I am proud to say that I don't know any undecided people. Everyone I know is voting for Senator Obama!!

Anonymous said...

I posted this as a bulletin on my myspace page. I wanted to reach as many people as I could.

McCain or Obama? Undecided?

I just want everyone to fully research the issues these two people touch on.

I, for one, am voting for Obama. He makes me believe that things can be good in America again. I want our troops home and safe, I want healthcare for my daughter (hell, if I had some for myself, that wouldn't be bad either!!), I want gas prices down. I want to feel that our country IS the best place to live. I can not and will not support someone who voted with Bush 90% of the time. If you are unhappy with the way America is now, then I urge you to vote for Obama. McCain is more of the same. I want a change. I want human rights. Please don't believe everything you hear. There are so many smear ads out there. Do you own research. Don't let other people make the decision for you. Be smart.


Anonymous said...

I posted this in my LiveJournal..I know of a few undecided people who read it..

I'm an average American working mother. I'm 30, married to a wonderful man, and blessed with one beautiful daughter. I'm young and naive enough to believe that someday dignity, class, and integrity will make their way back into this country's government. I'm Gen-X enough to be disillusioned with all of politics-I feel like we're in such a mess, there's no way we can recover. But I'm also old enough to realize that change has to start somewhere...I want no spin, no scandals, no shady deals, no shady connections or friends, THE TRUTH, someone who has had to work for what he has and how far he has come. A fresh start. Somebody who can be less than perfect from time to time, yet have the dignity and class to overcome. Humble. Someone who can speak and be spoken to. Give and take, both in our country and abroad. Peace.

Anonymous said...

I have written a letter to my Grandpa. He has always been a democrat, but has said that he cannot vote for a black man. So I wrote him a letter. It is too long to post here, but I just wanted to let you guys know, that I have done my part today.

0308MOMbyFAITH said...

I created a Power Point presentation and emailed it as a slideshow...Its a comparison of where the 2 candidates stand on 3 different issues.

Sarah said...

My sister is pretty conservative, I emailed her lots of facts from different sites that point out what kind of candidates the Republican party has this year. She is very supportive of troops and I have tried to point out that just because you support troops doesn't mean you have to support the Republican party.

VettyG1973 said...

I actually completed this task yesterday, without knowing I was doing so! I was IMing with my sister and two of my friends when the subject came up. My sister and one of my friends were undecided about voting at all, so I sent them info and told them how it was so very important to vote and how the election this year was also very important, historical even. So they is looking into it. My other friend was undecided on her vote and I sent her the info also and she has been swayed to Obama's side. Yay!

Anne Margaret said...

I phone banked about 100 undecided voters in Michigan today explaining to them Obama's specific plans for Michigan to help get us out of our one State recession by providing an economic stimulus plan for Michigan to help create new jobs in new green industries and start growing our economy again. I also explained Obama's plan to cut taxes and what it will mean to them during these hard times.

ChelleBelle said...

I spoke with my husband again today about the reasons I'm voting for Obama. He claims he will be casting a protest vote this year (write-in) but I am still working on him!

Today I focused on national security and foreign relations, using the Palin ABC interview as a jumping off point - explaining how I felt we needed a drastic change from the Bush Doctrine. He agrees with me on that, at least!

Anonymous said...

everyone i know is decided already. I did however still mention to some people I THOUGHT i could persuade.. not sure how well it went but it felt good to talk about the GOOD things about our man, Obama instead of hearing all the hate!

mama2vanessa said...

I had dinner with my parents this evening. I asked them if they had decided who they were voting for. My Mom said she was voting for Obama.... yea! My Dad said he was still undecided. I told him a few positive things about Obama.... I'll keep working on him!

We're having a garage sale tomorrow. Maybe I'll persuede a couple of strangers to vote for Obama!

Anonymous said...

I have been reaching out to my family in Missouri and Kansas, who are already complaining about too many commercials and spin.

I filled them in on some of my main reasons I'll vote for Obama, and haven't heard back yet, but hope they're forming a thoughtful response. :)

I tried to stress the importance of showing up to vote and that the numbers need to be HUGE.

I can't wait to hear back from them! :)

Anonymous said...

I posted 2 very postitive Obama youtube videos on my myspace page!