Sunday, September 14, 2008

Simple Task #3: Never Again Leave Behind

In the years to come, return this favor to those who are forced to weather their own storms - be it the loss of a job or a slide into poverty; an unexpected illness or an unforeseen eviction. And in returning these favors, seek also to make this a nation of no more Katrinas. Make this a nation where we never again leave behind any American by ensuring that every American has a job that can support a family and health care in case they get sick and a good education for their child and a secure retirement they can count on. Make this a nation where we are never again caught unprepared to meet the challenges of our time - where we free ourselves from a dependence on oil and protect our cities from both forces of terror and nature.

Make this a nation that is worthy of the sacrifices of so many of its citizens, and in doing so, make real the observation made by a visitor to our country so many centuries ago: "America is great because Americans are good."

I ask you to take this second path - this harder path - not because you have an obligation to those who are less fortunate, although you do have that obligation. Not because you have a debt to all of those who helped you get to where you are, although you do have that debt.

I ask you to take it because you have an obligation to yourself. Because our individual salvation depends on our collective salvation. And because it's only when you hitch your wagon to something larger than yourself that you will realize your true potential.
– Barack Obama

Today, in the wake of Hurricane Ike, your task is a bit of a break from the campaign. Just visit The Red Cross and give a little

American Red Cross

Or if you can’t give right now, just keep our fellow Americans in your thoughts. Because our goal is to never leave another American behind.

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Anonymous said...

I have sent this to everyone I know. No matter who they intend to vote for. I have family in Houston so this hits way close to home.

Anonymous said...

I too have very close family in the Baytown and Channelview area. Thank you for posting this.